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The year is 2035 and as advanced as the world stood it could not save itself from the tragedy that was about to unfold. Many around the world were preparing for the earth's natural destruction. A treacherous rain that would wreak havoc among those that walked the planet. Miners were instructed to begin a build that would wow the world. Scientists and supernaturals came together to form a way for beings to live underground along with the natural wildlife. Fresh air was made from natural waste, while food and plants were able to survive in the artificial soil that was produced in laboratories. This made life underground possible. 


Although supernaturals lived out in the open not all were keen on the idea of letting others know their true identity as it was well known the 'Locators' would seek them out to harness their supernatural abilities, giving them ability to use them once for themselves. 


The intricate caverns were built to house all the beings that showed up. Each having their own space and identity inside. As the years went on those of the same kin flocked together and formed a bond. Those of the same alignment formed alliances. 


The rains held a toxin that polluted the earth. The chemicals seeped into the ground tainting the soil and water sources, this making it near impossible to survive on the surface. With the help of scientific ways along with a touch of magic living under the ground is the only survivable means. They had time to prepare so the people were able to bring things down under the ground, allowing them access to things they would need to survive. The electricity comes from solar panels built outside the caverns and connecting to the inside. This allows them to continue to have power even while deep within the caves. Co-existing along other races in such close quarters brings chaos and conflict around every turn. 


Ethereal is ran by a group of self appointed race representatives that gather once a month or so to determine the laws and issues of those living within the walls of the caves. It is rumored that certain races hold the key to the outside world. A few blame those that are heavily magical in not doing enough to 'fix' the problems allowing those that are inside to ascend back to the top. Time turns into a blaming game pitting races against one another. 


The beings underneath over time ended up slipping up into two main groups. Those that called themselves the 'light' and those that called themselves the 'dark'. The Light being those that wish to find their way back to the surface. The Dark being those that for whatever reason, wish to stay underneath the surface. No two people have the same reasoning's for doing what they do so what is best for you....?




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