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Players are able to purchase abilities from the list below. Players are to icly learn the ability from their alignments guide. Once proper documentation has been submitted players are able to purchase the ability for 10 points through the website. Abilities are instant and always successful unless otherwise stated. Using a modifier with a success roll for an ability would use the Favor attribute.




Empathy: Can feel the emotions of others. This is a natural ability, you do not have to roll for success. These are base emotions that the target is feeling at the time. They have to focus on the target and state activating it in the post.


Black Mass: This ability curses the target. The curse would mean that person seems to have a string of bad luck. Spilling their full drink, falling into a puddle, other series of misfortunes. This lasts at least until the end of scene or as long as the target wishes.


Plant Manipulation: The natural ability to manipulate the plants nearby to constrict and wrap around a target holding them in place. This is both combative and non combative. Non combative use does not need a success roll as this is a natural ability.


Earthquake: The ability for the player to cause the earth to shake forcing them to lose their balance, losing their concentration. This is a combative only spell.


Beast Removal:This allows the caster to remove the inner beast (keeping shifters from shifting, or vampires from frenzying) Can work for one moon phase of the target’s race before it has to be done again.


Animalism: is an ability that brings the player closer to their animalistic nature. This not only allows them to communicate with but to gain dominance over small creatures of nature as well. Please use reason with your choice of animal. Nothing bigger than a rabbit or squirrel and does not allow them to have control over a shifters inner beast.  This is a natural ability and does not need to be rolled for to be successful.


Dead Sleep: Puts the target into a heavy sleep that will be hard to awaken from. They must place their hand on the target, this lasts a few hours. This is a natural ability and does not need to be rolled on. Target can use their willpower to see if it affects them.


Air Manipulation: This is used either non combative or combative. It is a natural ability and does not need to be rolled for a success if non combative. The action against another player during combat will be rolled against but the player may use their Favor modifier.


Bolt: A chaotically charged black bolt of energy that bursts from the caster. This is a combative spell only and a natural ability to use but will need to be rolled against.


Scream: Their vocal cords are strong. They can let out a scream that is so loud, it becomes deafening for a small period of time and can cause confusion making the target lose concentration. They would be able to even break through glass. This is a combative ability.


Auditory Illusions: they’re able to make auditory illusions. You can mimic someone’s voice. Make sound appear without even speaking, you can even make it seem like someone’s calling out to another person from a distance. To mimic someone’s voice, they must have had a conversation with the person, consisting of more than hi or bye.


Ignite: Able to light a flame by using your energy. This is anywhere from small to medium fires and is a natural ability. This does not need a success roll to be used. This is a non combative spell. Just needs to be stated within the post.


Fever touch: Caster is able to induce a fever on their target. Caster must keep touch with the target and activate the ability within the post. The target will start to feel as if their heating up and possibly boiling inside.


Invisible Cloak: This gives the player the ability to go invisible for a short period of time. Must be activated within the post to be used. This is non combative and combat can not be initiated once you are using this ability. This is a natural ability and does not need to be rolled for. Please keep in mind that your scent and sound is not masked.


Mind Reading: Players have the ability to possibly read another players mind. This is just surface thoughts and not deep buried memories. This must have a success roll done of 15 or higher and would use the Favor modifier. If successful the target can then roll a willpower against it. If the willpower fails the target can then tell the player what their immediate thoughts are. This will last up to two posts. If you wish to read the targets thoughts again you will need another success roll, then the target gets to roll another willpower roll.


Suffocation: Allows the caster to rapidly restrict the target's airways, stopping air from flowing and causing them to choke and struggle with their breathing. This must have a success roll of 15 or higher and would use the Favor modifier.


Telekinesis: This is a natural ability for the player. If it is non combative use, you do not have to roll for success. The action against another player during combat will be rolled against but the player may use their Favor modifier.


Liquid Manipulation: This allows the caster to control any liquid that is puddled, the puddle of the liquid must be at least a cupful up to a gallon of liquid. This can be used combatively or non combatively. If used combatively, the ability may be rolled against but the player may use their Favor modifier.


Acid Cloud: This is a combative ability.  The vapors produced are acidic and exposure to the cloud will burn flesh quickly, and slowly begin to erode other soft materials like wood or cloth.


Energy Dispel: To use on another person. The caster is able to take away the energy from a target. This is a natural ability and needs to have physical contact with their target and activated within the post. This does not need a success roll but the target can roll a willpower roll against it. If the willpower roll is unsuccessful the spell weakens the player for ONE of the targets post cutting their modifiers from +5 down to +2. To do again the spell must be activated in the post and the target can roll another willpower roll against it.


Night Terrors: To use on another person. The caster is able to influence nightmares into their target. They do not have control of what the nightmare is, but only the fact it will happen. The caster must have contact with the target while using this ability. The night terrors only happen while the target is asleep or awake. This last at least until the scene ends, but the TARGET may choose to continue up for one whole day.  This must be activated within the post and the target may roll a willpower check.


Cupid Spell: This will allow the caster to cast a love spell on two items that belong to two different people. The items must have been personal items of theirs. This is a natural ability and does not need a success roll. Once the spell has been casted the items need to be returned. When the targets come in contact with their items again the spell will be activated. The targets can roll a willpower roll against it if they wish to do so. The spell does not last more than 24 hours.


Doble: This is a natural ability to double the potency of blood placed in a small container. (vial, bowl, bottle, bag etc).  If it is Mystices blood it would force the player to word vomit answer leaving them unable to not answer. If it is Locators blood it would make time feel like it is standing still. If it is Animalis blood it would make you go into a full blown rage. If its Winged blood it makes you paranoid to insanity. If it is Soulless blood makes it an uncontrollable addiction that makes you seek out the same type of blood also giving the player withdrawals. If it is Vetnis blood makes the player unable to resist the need for affection. Wisps blood makes them unable to choose the who what and where fornication takes place. Mundanes blood just fills you up even faster. Enchanters blood would make them hallucinate their fears. Unknown blood would only double the amount of blood and not the effect of it.


Pain Reduction: Is able to reduce the amount of pain being felt at a certain moment . For this to work the player must place their hands upon the target. This is a non combative ability and will not need a success roll to be used.


Blink: This is a form of teleporting and a non combative ability. This allows players to blink from one spot to another quickly as if traveling through time and space. To blink to a location must have visited there before and be aware of the location layout within a 5x5 area. You can know the room of the castle but not need the entire castle. This can be used if combat has been initiated but once the player responds in a combative way, they can no longer use this ability. Using this ability allows the player to blink/teleport into a scene or out of a scene.


Unlinking: This ritual is done so that two people that have been previously linked together to be bonded can be broken. To unlink, at least one of the bonded must be with the caster. The caster will place their hands on the target and focus on the bond. The one who is receiving the unlinking will feel an extreme pain coursing through them that leaves them unable to accept a bond for three months. The one who did not initiate it, that they share a bond with, will feel the bond break but they are able to bond again. If both players seek to have the unlinking, both will have the penalty for breaking the bond. This is a natural ability, not a success roll.


Muffle: You can silence things around you. Heavy stumps become silent tip toes across the floor, speaking becomes a murmur at beast. Whispers are not gone but become muffled even by those with acute hearing. This is an ability and will need to be activated within your post but does not need to have a successful roll to use.


Crystallized Lies: A player has the ability to channel a lie into a crystal. Once it is done, the lie will be placed into the person's mind while they are in contact with the crystal. As long as the contact is maintained, the person will believe the lie, even when presented with the truth. IE: An elf holds the crystal that makes them believe they are a fae, they will continue to believe this until the crystal is removed from them.


Block: This allows a player to put a block on ONE single ability. It is permanent and can not be removed once it is placed for any reason. If a player has more than one ability they must choose which one to place it on. This can be purchased more than once to block multiple abilities. Must be specified in profile pick what abilities are blocked.


Thought Extraction: They can withdraw thoughts from a person regardless of memory loss or any type of amnesia because the thoughts are still there. The player must be in contact with the target for this to work. This is only one single thought, not an entire memory or scene of events. This is a given ability.








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