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All vetni have a sea creature. This is called the apsara. While the vast majority are the fish-tailed people of legend, there are still seahorse, eel, shark, turtle, porpoise, stingray. Some vetni may have winged like membranes. Some may have tails while others are simply legged. Gills, and colorings are common.   The Apsara of the vetni determines their behavior and even her social placement, to some degree. The majority of shark vetni are warriors, and porpoise vetni are predisposed to become scholars. It's not certain if the grafted Apsara influences the young vetni's personality, or if they already had a disposition that attracts a predestined sort of Apsara to the Grotto. (Remember you should try to accurately represent the apsara you pick. This means if you are a dolphin vetni, you'd not be bright and covered in scales. If you need help with your appearance, message howlingwinds resident)


Emotional Link: vetni are not emotional but they are able to choose someone to build an emotional link with. This makes that person the vetni’s, able to take their emotions for their own with ease. vetni become possessive over their links and will not take kindly to theirs being fed on by others. A vetni can sense when their emotional link is experiencing extreme emotions or pain. They may only link with one person as it is only ended by death. A vetni forms an emotional link by guiding them into the water by their song, exchanging the kiss of breath, and guiding them under the water and extracting the emotion of love from their target. This means the vetni would need to make that person feel loved.

[Racial Strengths]


Siren's Song: An enchanting song that will place their listener under their control for 1 RP hour. This song will place the listener (only 1 person is affected if, in a crowd, only that one which you're focused on would be affected) under their command, either to sway them into the ocean or do their bidding for a small amount of time. This is usually used for feeding, making the target unaware that they're being used for food, or anything around them, really. This is a success roll using the Presence modifier. This can be used while in combat but can not be used with an attack in the same post.


Emotional Manipulation: All vetni have the ability to manipulate emotion as well as siphon it from their target. They must focus on one emotion at a time and must have something to contain the emotion in. Once the emotion is bottled, it has a one-time use and may be passed on to someone else or used by the vetni. This is a natural ability and does not need to be rolled for but must be stated to activate in your post.


Breath of Water:  vetni have the ability to pass on their ability to breathe underwater to another person through an open-mouthed kiss, pushing their breath into the target's mouth. This bestows them the ability to breathe underwater for three hours or until the target surfaces. This is a natural ability and does not need to be rolled for but must be stated to activate in your post.


[Racial Weaknesses]


Drying Out: Not only are vetni cold blooded, but they are creatures of the water. Much like a fish drying out and dying, so would a vetni. They must keep themselves hydrated and usually at a lower temperature. They will be the first to complain about the weather being too hot or leaving social events due to their legs hurting. If vetni were to truly dry out, the pain would be agonizing and they would start changing back to their vetni form.


Soulless: vetni lack a soul, and with that, they lack the ability to fully understand and experience complex human emotions on their own- like full rage or adoration. This is why they rely on the emotions of others. Those who have never tried other's emotions may not feel the need to, but those who have may have an addiction.  Their soullessness also makes a vetni blood thirsty, similar to vampires. They feed off blood, but a vetni may choose if it is that of an animal or humanoid. Blood effects will effect a vetni.



New moon: The new moon reverts a vetni back to their primal nature, making them frenzy. A frenzy makes a vetni unable to determine the difference between friend or meal. They will attack those that get close. The smallest sign of blood on this day, will make the person bleeding a target. Not all vetni are predisposed to be predators and do not want to frenzy so they may try to lock themselves up so they don’t hurt anyone in their frenzied state. The day after the new moon will leave the vetnis tired and weak if they had fed, but if they did not feed, they will be completely immobile for 24 hours.


[Blood Effect]


Drinking the blood of a vetni gives the person a feeling of euphoria. It makes them feel an increased sense of affection and makes touch feel more sensitive.

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