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An animalis is a human/animal hybrid.  The animal can be completely left up to the player, but it can't be a furry.  The avatar can appear as a humanoid (2 legs) with various attributes of their animal, or it can look completely human. Examples; tails, spots, ears, horns, hoofs, whiskers and/or claws. This is not limited to these things. If the animal is a fish, they cannot have a mer tail. The player can take on the animal’s characteristics. 


Full Moon: All animalis are affected on the full moon. They will do one of two things, either become extremely aggressive, or go into heat. They will turn into their animal form on this day. They lose their humanity and become their animal  (they can shift into their animal or this could be a mental thing only with no change in appearance. If it is only mental, they would act as their animal acts in nature. They have no human thought pattern whether they are in animal form or  mental state.)


​The call of the wild: They can form an attachment for one person that allows them to call them to them.  They cannot communicate in any other way, it is merely an overwhelming desire to be with them. To form this attachment, the animalis must perform some sort of physical contact with the other, focusing their mind on theirs to form the call. The other player must be receptive to the call. The bond is broken by either death, abandonment or the unlinking ability.

[Racial Strengths]


Regeneration: They are able to regenerate any part of their body as long as they are not in human form. Please note this is not instant, although it does take time, would most likely happen within a day or two.


Hiding in plain sight: Animalis can shift into a human form to hide their animal side. This a physical shift, that means they remove their animal parts to replace with a human form. Shifting is painful. They can be in human form on the new moon, but they would still lose their human mentality.


Sense of danger: Animalis have a natural sense of danger. It gives them an instinctive feeling to flee or prepare to fight before danger happens.


[Racial Weaknesses]


Difficulty fitting into society:Due to their animalistic nature, the animalis struggle to fit into society. They do not understand most social cues, behaviors, and customs. This may mean that they show up underdressed, or lacking table manners.


Wisteria: This climbing vine, violet in color is not poisonous to mundanes but harms animals. When touched to the skin, it creates a severe, painful rash with partial paralysis; if it enters an open wound, it will paralyze the connected limb or torso. If ingested, it will induce seizures, unimaginable pain, and potentially death. Contact with nightshade requires medical attention.


Temperamental: Animalis have a reputation for having an unreasonable change in moods. It could be from one extreme to the next within seconds. It doesn't take much to set this in motion.


[Blood Effect]



Animalis blood causes the drinker to act like the animal of the animalis


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