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All rentals are set for the same price and prim allowance across the sim for both residential and businesses. 50 prims for $300L a week. 100 prims for $600L a week. No other additional prims can be purchased.


Ethereal: underground  Rental Rules and Guidelines:


All prims rented must be kept within your rental space.


No sharing of purchased prims with another player. If an alt has your items the rental should be in the alt’s name.


There will be no refunds given if the rentee leaves on their own doings which includes being banned from the sim, or just deciding to leave.


Rent is to be paid before placing prims down.


There is no grace period for rentals. We give players 24 hours from when your rental expires for you to pick up your prims. After 24 hours your items will be returned. Sometimes the meter will auto return when your rental expires as well. Be mindful of that.


Items should be kept within the theme of EH, which is medieval.


We do not reserve rentals, it is on a first come bases.


The buildings that were placed for rentals were placed to enhance the sim’s decor and will not be replaced.


If couples come into the sim and both need to be in the rental group as both have prims to place out. Both would need to rent a meter. Please speak to an Owner for the extra meter to be placed in world. Do NOT rent from a meter from another rental unless you plan for that rental to be the residence for that character.


Players can have more than one place as long as they are both rented.


Even if rent is paid in full if rentee is not present for longer than two weeks it will be considered abandonment and loss of rental without refund will occur unless it is expressed to the Admin/Owner they will be away for a period of time in a NC (IMs will not be accepted since they do tend to get capped).


You are renting at your own risk. There is no foreseen reason for the sim to shut down, but due to RL things happening, such as deaths, loss of job, uncontrollable circumstances beyond the owner’s control forcing the sim to close will result in no refunds. If the sim is to close for whatever reason, the players/staff will be notified as soon as possible.

It is advised players only rent one week at a time.



No refunds will be given for any reason. I am aware I am repeating myself.


Once you have paid players will need to contact an owner to be given the rental group; emersonlanks or howlingwinds. If any infraction occurs loss of group could occur. If you do not renew your rent you will be removed from the group.

1st infraction a warning will be given to the player.

2nd infraction will result in loss of group and possible sim disciplinary actions.


All rentals are set for the same price and prim allowance across the sim for both residential and businesses. 50 prims for $300L a week. 100 prims for $600L a week. There is no purchasing of additional prims.

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