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The Locators are the hunters of Eu. They are very well at adapting to their surroundings as they blend in with the crowds. They are damn near mundane in nature by have a few special qualities about themselves. They are known for being well organized thieves of abilities. Once taken they can only be used once. If a target has more than one ability that can be stolen the player must roll a 15 or higher (agility modifier can be used here) to successfully be able to choose which ability they will steal. If the player does not wish to roll for success the target will choose which ability to give. Only one ability can be stolen per day and can not be stolen back to back from the same person. This is to prevent ganging up on one single person over and over. Once an ability is successfully stolen the target can not use that ability for 24 hours. Please remember to put any stolen abilities on your profile pick and these abilities are a one time use.



 New Moon Phase: During this moon phase the Locators are unable to steal or use any abilities even their natural given one. Their abilities is how they survive, on this day it is not. 


Symbolization: The Locators use inked symbols that have been placed on their body to connect to other Locators. Through these symbols they would recognize each other without having to speak. When the locator becomes distressed the symbols begin to glow. Please note that everyone can see the symbols so keeping it covered up is what they will try to do.









[Racial Strengths] 


Blending In: The Locators can look like any other race they wish to, they just do not get their strengths and weaknesses to go with it. This will help to blend in with others on the outside.


Ability Junkie: Locators thrive on stealing abilities from others. This giving them an easy way to survive in this world. Once they find the right ability its like crack to them. This is a natural ability and does not need to be rolled on unless you are trying to specify which ability you are taking if there is more than one.


Edges: Locators have the ability to use one edge. During character creation they will be allowed to choose from from the provided list.


Hide: Help the hunter observe and relate to supernaturals safely. Being able to blend into a crowd, becoming over looked.

Illuminate: Reveals auras around others. This works on one target at a time.

Charmed: Gives the hunter the ability to turn any item into a charm. This gives the hunter a connection to the one the charm was made for and given to. Must have meaning for both parties. 

Reaper: Helps to manipulate the target to see their point of view.

Unheard: The hunter has the ability to lower their heartbeat to near none. Usually most will assume there is not heart beat unless they are trying very specifically to strain to listen. This is only for short periods of time and extremely draining. The hunter would practically put themselves to sleep doing this.


[Racial Weaknesses]


Stuck Like Glue: Although Locators can look like any race they can not change once the look is chosen. There is no true and human form. There is only one form whatever that might be. 


Lacking: They do not know any other language. They can not read, write, or understand anything outside of their common tongue so they have no chance when stumbling upon a note or book. They would need to take this to someone else to figure anything out as even rolling would be a big fail for them.


Humanly: They are as near mundane as one can be without being one themselves. They bleed, break, and die just as one does. They show emotions, hold fears, and not immune to poisons and diseases.



[Blood Effect]


Locators blood causes the drinker to act like they have temporary insanity. From 2 hours to 24 hours depending upon how much is drank.







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