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Winged are typically legendary creatures, can commonly be found scaled with serpentine, reptilian or avian traits. They are winged for flight and known to be more aggressive than not, although you might find one that is very mild mannered from time to time. Some are known for their hoarding of crystals and gold up in the caves of the mountains. Through out time they have been known as such things like Dragons, Wyvaran, Syrinx, Bats, Birds, etc. This is the only race that can fly.


First Quarter moon makes for their aciz syndrome, the inability to shift. During this time they  have no control over themselves, no matter how much they try they will remain in humanoid form. This is for only the 24 hours of this moon phase.

[Racial Strengths]


Flight: The Winged are the only beings that can take flight as they have scaly wings that lift them through the air.


Hide: A thick scaly layer of skin that is like a thick layer of armor that provides protection. This is not a defense in combat, instead providing protection against weather, thorn bushes and things of that nature. This gives the player a +3 to defense only, if weakened the player has no modifier for this.


Shadow Vision: These creatures have exceptional vision even deep in the shadows. If there is movement even in the darkest of rooms, they would see it.


[Racial Weaknesses]


Climate Control: These creatures are adaptable with the colder climates within the caves. They are known for lurking in the darker spaces so the colder temperatures do not affect them.


Dragonsbane: This purple-leafed, puffy-headed, dandelion-like plant causes things anywhere from coughing to a blind rage depending on the amount used. When touched to the skin, it creates a severe, painful rash with partial paralysis; if it enters an open wound, it will paralyze the connected limb or torso. If ingested, it will induce seizures, unimaginable pain, and potentially death. Contact with dragonsbane requires medical attention.


Shiny: Things that shine and glitter can be a big distraction to the dragon as they are undeniable hoarders. Those that enter their personal space would most likely see piles and piles of items collected over the years. This is why most dragons have money to burn, even though, they usually don't.


[Rider Bond]


Riders: This bond is a close camaraderie between a Winged and non-winged rider, each entrusting the other with their life should conflict arise. While deep senses of duty, care and devotion are implausible to not feel with this bond, it does not necessarily lead to sexual attraction nor true love. This bond is not taken lightly and can not be undone on a whim. The only way to break a bond is through death or abandonment. Once the bond is broken another bond cannot be made for a period of one real month as this is a serious commitment and should be heavily considered before entering into. Can be made with any race, take note that this does not automatically make you or your kin friendly with said race.


[Blood Effect]


Drinking the blood of a winged would cause the player to be paranoid.

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