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Wisps are spiritual beings from another realm. They come to Earth and must seek a host body. Once they enter the host, the host dies and the wisp assumes control of the body. The wisp will not retain the memories of their host. They will know nothing of the person they are taking over. wisps are sinful in nature and enjoy bringing out the worst in people. They come in a variety of colors and wing shapes, depending on how they appear. A wisp cannot use these wings to fly. They may have horns, tails, claws or hooves. They cannot change  hosts once they have picked one. Once chosen, they will be able to feed on any sin or virtue.


The wisps are affected but the full moon. During this time they can not hide their true form.


Soul Touched: Wisps are able to mark one person’s soul. The wisp will feel a sense of possession over the touched. They would want no one else to feed from them. Most wisp will respect if someone has been marked, but that doesn’t mean all do. Only the wisp can see when another is touched. Touching allows the wisp to feel when the other is in pain but cannot tell their location. Only one person can be marked at a time as it is a lot of work for the wisp. The wisp will have the touched drink their own blood mixed in with the wisp’s blood. This symbolizes their blood being welcomed to the wisp.

The following are the seven sins or virtues that a wisp can specialize in to cultivate or encourage in mortals to thus feed on their energy. While a wisp may be good at cultivating a sin or virtue to grow in a mortal, it does not signify that the wisp will carry the beliefs or act upon that sin or virtue themselves.


The seven Sins


Lust - "Oooh, Come here you sexy thing, lets tango until our hearts give out." The ones who choose this, love inciting people into a sexual frenzy, usually with someone inappropriate. ((Ex. Boss, Co-worker...The Milk Man)) The freakier the better! Those who choose to feed on sexual desire, find the sexual satisfaction, which is so then often followed by shame, to be absolutely exotic.


Wrath - "Really??!!! You Bastard! Say that to my face so I can break yours!" They create rage, feeding people's anger until it explodes in a shower of violence and darkness, riots, fights between lovers, best friends trying to kill each other, this energy is what they love and crave.


Greed - "No such things as too much, even if my home is full to the point of spilling out the doors, its not enough." MORE, MORE, MORE, the need for more, never feeling like they have enough, more money, more toys, more cars and homes & drugs. These wisps feed off the need to own everything and never having enough.


Sloth - "Ugh, do I have to? That sounds like effort." The desire to sit around and do nothing, to watch TV until suddenly, its like they are one with the couch, to sleep all day and remain in dreamland, remain stale and immobile like a statue, They feed off the stale darkness inactivity brings.


Envy - "Look at that bitch, she's got everything, perfect body, hair & husband, oh, how I wish I could be her." The desire to have what they currently don't, even when they get it, they notice someone has something better and they wish with all their might that they owned it. wisps who choose this, feed on the hate and constant dissatisfaction this sin brings.


Pride - "Ha! I'm the fucking best! Look at me! LOOK AT ME! No one and nothing could be better." Pride, oh pride, the feeling of being at the top of the world, that nothing can ever match the gloriousness that is this person. The best of the best, but behind the pomp and feelings of awesomeness, likes a fear that never goes away, like a hidden cancer eating at the bones. wisps on this path feed of the false feeling of righteousness and fear that this sin imbues.


Gluttony - "Is this really all there is to eat? I think I'll hit up the bakery after this, a cake or two might hit the spot." Ahh Gluttony, the wasteful partaking of food, drugs & drink, the unwillingness to share what they have, to consume until there is nothing left, yet never feeling truly full. To the wisps who inspire this, this is like fine wine, satisfying & perfectly flavored.


The seven virtues


Faith - believing in the right things.

Hope - taking a positive future view, that good will prevail.

Charity - concern for, and active helping of others.

Fortitude - never giving up.

Justice - being fair and equitable with others.

Prudence - care of and moderation with money.

Temperance - moderation of needed things and abstinence from things which are not needed.


Please be aware that the virtues listed all not always wrapped up in a pretty box with a bow on it, sometimes it is hidden in the mix of things. Below is examples of where/how you might find them in Emerald Hurst.


Faith - A cop following the law. (doing/believing the right thing)


Hope - Someone asking a question (hoping for a positive view)


Charity - Helping someone pick up something, holding a door, helping to answer a question, help mutilate someone (as long as you are helping someone else)


Fortitude - Seeing someone punch someone over and over. Witness another begging (they never give up)


Justice - Being fair to all, if you give something to the one you give it to another. Offer everyone at the bar a drink.


Prudence - Clerk, bartender, cashier, customer (anyone counting money)


Temperance - Anyone saying no to more, not another drink, not another bite, not another song, another spin of the bottle (saying no to something not needed)



[Racial Strengths]


Draining: The wisp must be in physical contact with the person and hold the contact the entire time they are feeding. While the feeding is going on, the target will begin to feel drowsy. The place of contact will create a small amount of pain, like being pinched that will last the entire time the feeding is taking place. The longer a wisp maintains contact, the more fulfilled they will find themselves.


Silver tongue: The wisp are silver-tongued. They can make their words enticing and luring. They can make you feel invited to listen, to follow their words. It’s more than just mere suggestions, the person feels a need to follow these. Must have physical contact in order for the temptation to work. This does not cause pain. This is a presence success roll.


Behavioral influence: If a wisp has physical contact with a target, they can convince them to feel more inclined to engage in acts that would promote a virtue or sin. [Depending on the wisp’s choice.] Can only be one sin or virtue at a time. This causes the person to feel a slight pinch on contact.


[Racial Weaknesses]


Summoning: There is a way to summon a wisp. They have a true name that summons them. Once a player has learned a wisp's true name, they can draw a symbol on the ground in salt and speak the wisp's true name. If they are summoned, they will be uprooted from where they are. The wisp is not under the summoner's control. [You need to get OOC consent before summoning a wisp. So they can respond to it in their post and get to you. This is the only time it is okay to TP someone to you in the middle of an active scene] wisp should protect their true name.


Trammel: Wisps must be rooted to the earth. They are held here using a trammel. The trammel is inanimate object assigned to them when they come into the earth and keeping them to rooted. To destroy the trammel is to destroy the wisp. Wisps should protect their trammel.


Strict appetite: Wisps cannot eat human food, it will make them ill, they can handle liquids but it does make their stomach upset. Depending on how much is eaten, it can be as little as throwing up or as big as going into a coma.


[Blood Effect]


Drinking the blood of a wisp would cause the player to be extremely horny.







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