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Ethereal: underground  is a dark, supernatural role-play


Fairness is practiced across the board, but we do expect everyone to follow the rules.


Breaking of the rules will be handled in the following way except harassment which is an instant ban.


1st offense: Verbal warning from an admin or owner


2nd offense: 24 hour ban


3rd offense: Permanent ban






♦ Fair Act: What this means is Ethereal: underground  is dedicated to showing fairness across the board, regardless of staff title, or player ability. Fair Act is blind to second life age, race,  position, and knowledge. All players are required to submit applications to role-play in this sim. Any that wish to take advantage of the experience leveling system are required to follow the instructions provided, regardless of ownership or staff. All players must abide by the sim rules and lore. We provide an open door policy to any that wish to use it.








♦ Eu is an adult only role-play sim. Characters and players must be at least 18 years old and appear that way. Avatars declared too short may be asked to change. Furies, anime and child av's are not welcomed.


♦ Staff are not babysitters. This is an adult sim, so you're expected to behave and act like an adult and handle your own personal drama. If it has been attempted, and a resolution cannot be found, please speak to an admin  in order to attempt to dissuade the situation.


♦ Bullying is not permitted OOCly. If you're found using any of the sim channels in order to bully or belittle another player, the issue will be dealt with swiftly.


♦ Please adhere to realistic avatars. Yes, we understand it's a fantasy sim, and that there are no werewolves, mermaids, sirens or vampires, but cartoon-like avatars and furries are not allowed on sim. If you have questions about your avatar, please message any member of staff for clarification.


♦ Complaints, concerns, overall rude remarks and comments in the OOC group will not be tolerated. Anything concerning should be taken to an admin's IM.


♦ Eu is a dice combat sim, free-form is optional, but dice will trump.


♦ Only a d20 for Eu is offered. Titlers must be obtained on your own.


♦ RP etiquette should be followed, do not post people into a scene if you do not know they want to join.


♦ Stick to postorder. If you're unsure of the current post order, IM someone to ask.


♦ Remember, IC does not equal OOC. Do not get mad over something that happens ICly.


♦ As a dark Modern Role-play sim, you will find conflict. While consent is required from leads to do damage to race/guild bases, IC actions do have IC consequences. Do not claim limits to avoid that. OOC consent should be screen shot and turned in BEFORE destruction is done.


♦ You must seek consent before killing another's character.


♦ Your character must be approved before playing, but you must wear the provided OOC tag and explore the sim, as well as can join the OOC group. Applications have a fast approval rate.


♦ You may have 2 characters per SL account.

     A. Both characters can not be of the same race, but can join the same alignment.

     B. You can not role-play with just your other character and turn in the notecard for credit.

     C. All events are considered one point, so bringing in your other character half way through will not gain you another point. The player can decide which character they wish to spend the point(s) on.


♦ Players must put in their profile of their attributes, magics and abilities if any. If not listed the players can NOT use them.


♦ No godmodding, metagaming, or powergaming. Eu encourages fair RP for all players.


♦ High scripted items and avatars are not allowed in sim so that we can keep the lag down.


♦ Your character must be original. Characters that are clearly ripped from another show or movie will not be approved. Gaining inspiration is perfectly fine, but please turn around and make that character your own. We do not need a Buffy Summers running around the sim.


♦ No spell fire HUD's, gestures, or breedables, or anything that spams local chat.


♦ You are responsible for your own role-play.


♦ Players are not allowed to mod or void their own scenes. Owners are the only ones who may void a scene, and there must be a reason, like metagaming, not just because you don't like the way the scene went. You must submit a NC and the reason for voiding the scene.


♦ Treat every player with respect.







Age play is prohibited. All avatars must be 18+. No exceptions. This sim contains possible adult themes, and per Linden Labs, no child avatar is allowed around such themes. Any child avatar found in the sim will be automatically banned and ejected.


By applying to RP in Ethereal: underground, you're verifying that you're 18+ in Real Life. Players under 18 will not be allowed to RP.

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