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Ethereal: underground is not a metered sim but we do use a dice system. We provide a d20 to use for rolls for things such as combat, magic use, ability success and so forth.



Combat Role-Play




Bart was behind the bar when he heard the mention of the word cake from that man's mouth again. He felt his eye twitch and quickly he was vaulting over the bar to be on that side of it. "What did I tell you?" He said in a low, threatening tone. "Don't mention the fucking cake again." but the cake had really gotten under his skin and he reached out to slap the other.


[04:07] [Eu] D20: Bart rolled a 10 (Bart attempted so he rolls first)


[04:09] [Eu]  D20: Mark rolled a 1 (Bas lost the roll and takes the slap and now will respond)


This puts them at Bart no hits, Mark 1 hit. Three hits they are defeated.


Mark stared at the man while he stood there waiting for the answer he wanted regarding this mysterious cake ploy. “I see just the mere mention of it gets you all worked up.” this tidbit of knowledge brought a very small slither of happiness to the man, although he didn't show it. Next thing he knew he was being slapped, this having him blink a few times “What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you normally go around slapping your patrons in your bar? What if I punched you.” Reaching up with his left fist to try to punch him in the shoulder.


(Bart lost the roll and takes the slap and now will respond)


[04:12] [Eu]  D20: Mark rolled a 9 (Mark attempted so he rolls first)


[04:12] [Eu]  D20: Bart rolled a 20 (Bart avoided Marks punch)


Bart felt his hand connect with the man's face and quickly pulled it back. "No, not all of them. Just the ones who irritate me." He decided. At the man's words, Bart knew it was time to get the fuck away from there because he wasn't about to get slapped in the face, as Mark’s hand moved, Bart shifted his body to the right, avoiding his fist. "Do you normally hit people in their place of business?" Bart inquired, trying to keep the other talking as he moved to try and jab his elbow into the other's side.


[04:19] [Eu]  D20: Bart rolled a 3 (Notice modifiers does not mean automatic win lol Bart attempted so rolls first)


[04:19] [Eu]  D20: Mark rolled a 15 (Mark rolls and avoids the jab)


No hits were taken its still Bart- 0 hits, Mark- 1 hit.


Mark smirked "You act like I care where I hit people. If you fuck up, you get hit, I don't give a fuck where we are, or who is around. If you don't want your great grammy seeing you take a beating or your employees watching you become my full-time bitch I suggest you mind your shit and not put your hands on me. He ducked just in time to miss the jab from the man and reached out with a hand to try to push him back away. "You are gonna start something you can't finish if you keep it up."


[04:24] [Eu]  D20: Mark rolled a 14  (Mark attempted he rolls first)


[04:19] [Eu]  D20: Bart rolled a 17  (Bart rolled and win so does not get pushed)


This would continue on until a players hit count is at 3 or 4 depending. Most players have a hit count of 3.



Attribute Modifiers


During character creation players are able to choose ONE attribute of their choice. That attribute will allow players to use a +5 during the appropriate times as shown below.


These are the only modifiers that can be used in Eu. Players will never have more than a +5 bonus to their rolls.






Brawn - This is for combat use, regardless if you are using magic or not only this modifier can be used during this time.


Agility - This is for those that wish to be stealth like, steal things, balance, fleeing a scene, etc. This is always a success roll with a 15 or higher needed. 


Presence - This is for when you want to command or persuade a person or crowd. Influence them to do something your way or your line of thinking. This is typically good for any race that needs to use some sort of influence such as Wisps, Soulless, Spirits or Vetni, but any race can pick this up. This is always a success roll with a 15 or higher needed. 


Intelligence - This is for when you find a note, a book, over hear a conversation. You would need to roll a success roll (15 or higher of a d20). Please keep in mind this is only partial information like you might know the title of the book or pick up on the subject matter of a note, a few words of the language. This does not make you suddenly able to read, write and understand another language fully.


Willpower - This allows you to be able to resist abilities, magic, potions and poisons better. This is always a success roll with a 15 or higher needed. 


Favor - This is used for anything regarding magic outside of combat. Magic is Eu is not instant success and must be rolled for (unless otherwise stated). This includes making potions. This is a success roll with a 15 or higher needed. 







Players can pick up a new attribute by purchasing with points. Each new attribute cost 10 points.


Attributes never raise above +5. 




To purchase another attribute please use this form.



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