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Below is a list of magic used in Ethereal: underground. Players are able to choose one realm during character creation. Once a realm is chosen/purchased players will know all four magics in that list. To obtain a new realm players must seek out their alignments Magic Instructor to be taught the new realm of their choice. Once the realm is learned it is then available to be purchased. All new realms are 10 points each. Please remember once you purchase a new magic to add it to your profile pick to be able to use it. To purchase another realm please use this form.




Abjuration Realm


Alarm: This spell sounds a mental or audible alarm each time a creature or person enters the warded area or touches the ward itself. A creature that speaks the password does not set off the alarm. Mental alarms act as a single loud ring or bell sound in the caster's head. Audible alarms can be heard by everyone, including the creature that tripped it. It needs to be made clear what type of alarm it is and the password for the alarm in the players post. This is a success roll using Favor modifier.


Sanctuary : Creates a ring around the caster that can block attacks, character races. What the spell blocks must be stated at the time of the spell cast. For Example; A caster creates a sanctuary from werewolves. The werewolves can’t pass through the sanctuary, but they CAN still use magic through the barrier instead. You can not attack while activating this in your post. This is a success roll using Favor modifier.


Traceless : This spell allows the caster to hide evidence of their passage through an area. They will not be traceable by physical means. This does not make them invisible to people or creatures they pass while the spell is active.This is a success roll using Favor modifier.


Warding: This places a barrier on the door that keeps anyone but that specific race out. For any other race to enter, it will have to be taken down. To be effective again, the ward must be placed once more. Must specify which race can enter or no race can enter. This is a success roll using Favor modifier. This only lasts for a 24 hour period.


Enchantment Realm


Hex: This spell causes momentary impairment to a single target by disabling of their senses. The caster needs to clarify which sense they are targeting in their post. This is combative or non combative, so can be a roll against or success roll using the Favor modifier. If used during combat is it a roll against.


Animal Summon/Control : Either through the Disney princess powers of nature, or dark arcane rites that spawn a black cat, you can call to your aid and command an animal of low to modest intelligence. No controlling dolphins. They're too smart for your tricks. This power will NOT work on werewolves or vampires. They're not too smart for you, it just doesn't work. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.


Item of Power : This allows the caster to implant a spell into an object. Sure, you COULD use raw power, but without the guiding nature of a spell to define it, the thing will blow up in your face. Big Bada-Boom. This is complicated magic, casting two spells at once. This power exhausting to both the caster at the time of creation and the user at time of use. This is be used only by the caster. When using the item it can be a silent cast. The item and spell it holds must be placed in your profile. It is a once time use. You must note-card any items of power for use. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.


Potion Making: The ability to create potions using items gathered through role-play. The ingredients do not matter so much as long as it is role-played out. Potions are a one time use unless it is stated that a larger amount was made for a specific reason, it just would not last upon days. They have shelf life of a week. Potions can not be the same as spells that already exist in Emerald Hurst. For example: You can not make a potion that Sanctuary already does. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.


Evocation Realm


Dancing Lights: To bring orbs of light, similar to that of will o wisps, to the caster, capable of leading someone down a place, further or away from darkness. These lights are not stationary, they move and weave about. The player needs to specify within the post where the lights are leading to. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.


Yearn: This places a thought in the target’s mind, most likely when focused on something else. The target feels a sudden intrusion of their thoughts towards this. It can be a thought of a physical object, person or emotion. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.


Dream Casting: This allows the caster to enter into someone’s dream. They cannot change the dream, but they can observe it. Dream casting requires the caster to be within ten meters of the target. The target must be asleep for dream casting to work, if the target wakes up, the spell will end. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.


Redolent: Upon touch, this will bring a single painful memory to the surface from the person’s life. This can be an extremely haunting memory or minor depending on what the person has experienced in life.  It can be emotionally painful or physically painful, it is up to the player the degree of pain it is. The intent of this is to invoke pain. For example: If someone was attacked in the middle of the street on a Friday night by a wolf, the spell will bring forward the memory that they were attacked, but would not bring forth everything else that happened that day. This can be used during combat but is not a combative spell. It can not be used at the same time as an attack. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.



Illusion Realm


Mirror Image: Illusory phantoms that hold the appearance of the caster, but are incorporeal and can’t use spells. They can be manipulated by the caster to move and behave like a real person to further confuse an enemy. This can be used during combat but is not a combative spell. It can not be used at the same time as an attack. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.


Illusory Script: Lets you conceal information on paper or any suitable writing material. The illusion makes the words appear as some foreign language or magical writing, as per the caster’s choice. Only the person intended to read it will see it as normal. In your post you must state who it is intended for. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.


Conceal Item: Casting a conceal spell on an object will make it invisible. The spell cast on a small personal item will last longer than on another object. In your post you must say how long you want the item concealed for. You can not hide an item for more than 1 week at a time. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.


Hide : This spell makes the caster invisible by bending light around them. However as no light is entering the caster’s eyes because of this, they’re rendered blind. For fear of walking into things, tripping and falling, or just giving yourself away, you can’t move while hiding. Other senses work fine, and the caster can still make noise. This does not mask their scent or their aura. ((Auras are a magnetic field around a body. They only show as having color because that's how the brain of someone who sees auras makes sense of it.)) This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.



Transmutation Realm


Erase: This erases writings/markings of either mundane or magical nature from objects, papers and flesh, the caster has to physically touch what they're attempting to erase. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.


Feather Fall: This slows the rate of which a person, including the caster falls. ((Ex. The caster is pushed off the edge of a building, they can slow their fall so that they don't hit the ground as hard)) This works for people or objects. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.


Mouth Mimic : This spell allows the caster to speak in whatever language their target is speaking. It will automatically translate and transform words from their language into that of the target. Can only be cast on one person at a time, and the caster will not retain the knowledge of the language after the spell ends which is when the scene ends. Clearly specify who they are casting this on in their post. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.


Polymorph: To temporarily turn someone into another form, this only last for a short while, no longer than a few hours. Any successful damage to the target that has been polymorphed will result in the character returning to their original form. This is a short term glamour, unlike the permanent glamour the Fae have. The caster should state what they are turning the target into when activated within their post. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.



Elemental Realm


Nature Call : This allows the caster to recruit the forces of nature to defend them, this is temporary and who ever makes the call does not have the ability to ICly choose what comes to defend them, could be a swarm of bees, to a pack of rats. They are for distraction and chaos. They are not used for attacking. They can take one hit only as a whole. So if they are attacked and the hit is successful they are removed.  Casters can only use this once per combat scene. Players can not use then and an attack in same post. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.



Chilling Hands : A spell that creates an icy feeling on touch contact with flesh. This is a non-combative spell and would weaken the player if successful. The player will have the choice of doing a willpower roll to avoid being weakened. If the target does become weakened they will use half of their modifiers for the rest of the scene. Numbers are rounded up. This can be used during combat but is not a combative spell. It can not be used at the same time as an attack. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.



Burning Hands : A spell that creates searing heat on touch contact with flesh. The longer the contact the hotter it would become. When trying to burn something player must roll a 15 or higher to be successful. This can be either non combative or combative. Non combative must use a success roll, combative is a roll against.



Fog Cloud: Creates a billowing mass of misty vapor that obscures vision of and for people inside it. When trying to cause enough fog for invisibility. This can be used during combat but is not a combative spell. It can not be used at the same time as an attack. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.





Find the Path : This spell can conjure up the most direct route from point A to point B and can only be seen by the caster. This must be a route that the caster has once traveled, or has a very clear image in their mind of the destination. Either having been there before, or by concentrating on a picture of the destination. How the route manifests is up to the imagination of the caster. It could be anything from wispy smoke that rolls along in a certain direction to colored lights that appear at the caster's feet. This is a success roll using the Favor modifier.


Bone Casting: They collect assortments of bones, and after inscribing runes into them, can throw the bones like dice and read the cosmic answer to the question asked. Human bones are the most common used, but also the weakest, as humans have no inherent connection with magic, their bones are rather mundane. They use them because they're plentiful. The bones of lesser and greater magical beings allow for more detailed questions and accurate answers. The bones have a one time use. Once they are rolled, you will have to collect more. This is a success roll using the Favor modifier.


Arcane Sight : This spell lets you see magical auras and detect magical effects. Using this spell has the highly noticeable effect of making your eyes glow. The player should ask the target OOCly what their aura/aura color is. Do not just assume or make up. This last until the end of the scene. This is a success roll using the Favor modifier.



Sixth Sense: The sum is greater than its parts. Sixth Sense allows the caster to combine sensory input from their 5 primary senses to provide insight into things none of them could pick up on by themselves. This spell detects things that may be hidden to normal senses. The caster MUST cast the spell to make use of it. This can allow them up to 20 m. This is a success roll using the Favor modifier.



Dark Matter Realm


Flesh Crafting: The ability to mold the flesh and bones of another living creature, changing their appearance to the point of nonrecognition, melding flesh and bones to create new facial features and even gender. Please respect OOC limits as some players will not go with gender change or losing limbs etc. Players should keep in mind though that everything can be reversed or changed back at some point. If you are using this combative you must make it clear within your post what you are doing. For example: you must say you are molding their feet together to make them fall over, or molding their hands together behind their back. This can be either non combative or combative. Non combative must use a success roll, combative is a roll against.



Necromancy: The ability to raise and control the dead. This does not work on vampires. Players are allowed to raise 1 at a time giving the undead 1 hit point. Only one can be raised and controlled at a time. To be successful players must roll 15 or higher, favor attribute modifier is used in this roll. If you raise another known creature such as a past werewolf or witch they lose all of their past abilities. Once the undead is raised successfully they will take the next hit regardless who the intended target was between the undead and necromancy caster. This can only be used once per scene. This can be used during combat but is not a combative spell. It can not be used at the same time as an attack. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.



Sickness: The ability to send a wave of sickening power at an individual, the intended target may become nauseated, shaken, feverish and otherwise ill. This is a non-combative spell and would weaken the player if successful. The player will have the choice of doing a willpower roll to avoid being weakened. If the target does become weakened they will use half of their modifiers for the rest of the scene. This can be used during combat but is not a combative spell. It can not be used at the same time as an attack. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.



Blood Control: Because they have a more intimate connection with life force of living creatures they can manipulate it via blood control, allowing them to access and gather information and even case harm to others using their blood connection. Extracting blood from open orifices causing sever pain. This does not raise their blood temperature. This can be either non combative or combative. Non combative must use a success roll, combative is a roll against.




Rejuvination Realm


Simple Wounds: The ability to heal simple wounds that are physical damage. These include things such as cuts, scrapes, bites and/or wounds from arrows etc., but not limited to these. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.


Major Healing: The ability to heal all major wounds, this will not replace body parts like flesh-crafting would. These include gashes, fingers cut that need to be stitched. If it requires surgery or stitching it would require this magic. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.


Cleansing: The ability to remove poisons, sickness, these of this nature. Also would include, silver, wolfsbane, dragonsbane, and iron.This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.


Mental Ease: This would remove any mental effects that drinking ones blood may cause, along with any other mental illness. This is a success roll using your Favor modifier.


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